SHIDO Lithium Ion batteries generate power via four (LIFEPO4) Lithium Iron Phosphate cells with zero lead or acid. Each cell uses 3.2 volts to reach an (OCV) open-circuit voltage of 12.8.
The electronic (BMS) battery management system spreads the charge and discharges evenly over the four cells. A Shido Lithium battery can generate a high starting current with little Ah, thanks to its small internal resistance. SHIDO Lithium Ion batteries are the newest technology on the market.
Starting current (CCA) to capacity (AH)
In this table you will find a comparison of lead- acid batteries vs. SHIDO Lithium
The starter needs sufficient starting current (CCA) to start. Depending on the necessary starting current a lead-acid battery requires a number of Ah to be able to generate this current. Shido Lithium batteries generate a similar or greater starting power than a comparable lead-acid battery with a smaller Ah value. This is because the internal resistance of a lithium battery is about three times less than a lead-acid battery. As a result, the maximum discharge current is 3 times higher than for a lead-acid battery. A higher starting current guarantees a smoother start.
Shido Lithium batteries are on average 3 to 4 times lighter than a lead-acid battery.
See the comparison table. -
The service life of a battery is determined by the number of charge and discharge cycles.
This is approximately 350 cycles for lead-acid batteries and about 1200 cycles for Shido Lithium (25% DOD or depth of discharge).
A lead-acid battery loses voltage relatively quickly through self-discharge when not using the motorcycle.
After a winter the battery doesn’t have sufficient capacity left to rotate the starter.
This self-discharge is very low for a Shido Lithium battery. Even after 2 year not using your motorcycle you still can start the engine.
Note: Hidden power consumers such as alarm systems can discharge the battery much faster than only through the self-discharge.
Open the comparison table. -
Never charge a SHIDO lithium battery with more than 15V. Over 15V is lethal to a lithium cell so when in doubt check the tension provided from your alternator does not climb above 15V in different RPM from your engine. Always use a specific lithium charger, they have an adapted algorithm for lithium batteries which is different from lead/acid chargers. Do not allow to drain your battery under 9,6V, the lithium battery will be difficult or impossible to recover.
Electric consumers such as alarm systems installed on your bike drain your battery. We recommend to use a lithium charger with maintenance mode when you store your motorcycle for more than one week. This period depends on the capacity of the consumers. Although the start capacity of a lithium battery is higher, the reserve capacity is only 1/3 of a lead/acid battery. When you do not use the bike and there are (hidden) electrical consumers the battery will drain 3 times faster compared to a lead/acid battery.
It is recommended to charge the battery with the standard number of Ah as shown in the Battery Data. If you want to charge really quickly it can with the maximum charging current so you Lithium battery is charged in maximum 20 minutes.
The SHIDO Lithium battery is equipped with a LED indicator that checks the voltage of your battery. When pressing the “test” button it will show you the status of the battery. With three illuminated LEDS or ‘Full’ everything is OK, with two lit LEDs or “Med” is preferably to charge and one lit LED or ‘Low’ you have to recharge the battery.
A SHIDO battery is completely maintenance free and has no venting like some lead-acid batteries. Cells and electronics are waterproof sealed in the container so that the battery can also be used for Jet Ski. The battery cannot leak and thus may be used in any position, even upside down.
For most lead-acid batteries, there is a SHIDO Lithium alternative. Since its shape is identical to a lead-acid battery, it can be easily installed and connected in your vehicle. The universal terminal allows all connections. Some SHIDO batteries are equipped with four terminals, two positive and two negative poles, simply by turning the battery 180 degrees this Q(Quadri) terminal battery has whether the positive pole left or right. When properly connect the LiFePO4 is the safest Lithium cell available, improper use will warm the battery, but will not explode or burn.
Disposal of lithium batteries must be done according to the regulations of the country or region where you live.
Higher starting power, due to low internal resistance.
70% lighter in weight.
Low self-discharge, when stored for one year, battery load remains strong.
More than 2000 full charge and discharge cycles.
No capacity loss over lifetime compared to lead-acid batteries that can sulfate.
Reduced gasoline consumption.
1 to 1 replacement for lead-acid batteries, the shape and connections match with your lead-acid battery.
Super-fast charging time.
Safe! LiFePO4 cells cannot explode or burn.
No maintenance required.
Stable discharge voltage thanks to integrated (BMS) Battery Management System.
Charging status indicator.
Use a specific lithium charger/maintainer.
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